
How to build a static website with Hugo

Generate a static website with Hugo

pacman -Syu hugo
hugo new site

Download a theme

git init
git submodule add themes/relearn
hugo new
hugo new --kind chapter arch/
hugo new arch/

Preview the website

hugo server


Build the website

hugo -D

A public folder will be generated, containing all static content and assets for your website which can now be deployed on any web server.

Deploy the website

echo 'Build static site' &&
hugo -D -s ~/sites/ &&
echo 'Change the owner to user' &&
ssh archlinux-nginx 'sudo chown -R wildw1ng:users /srv/http/' &&
echo 'Delete old website data' &&
ssh archlinux-nginx 'rm -rfv /srv/http/*' &&
echo 'Upload new website data' &&
rsync -ra --info=progress2 ~/sites/ archlinux-nginx:/srv/http/ &&
echo 'Change the owner to root' &&
ssh archlinux-nginx 'sudo chown -R root:root /srv/http/' &&
echo 'Show new website files' &&
ssh archlinux-nginx 'ls -la /srv/http/'
chmod 700 ~/bin/publish