Hardware video acceleration

How to enable hardware video acceleration

Enable encoding with NVENC

NVENC requires the nvidia_uvm module and the creation of related device nodes under /dev.
Manually loading the nvidia_uvm module will not create the device nodes, but invoking the nvidia-modprobe utility will.

ACTION=="add", DEVPATH=="/bus/pci/drivers/nvidia", RUN+="/usr/bin/nvidia-modprobe -c0 -u"

Install Video Acceleration API (VA-API) and Video Decode and Presentation API for Unix (VDPAU)

pacman -Syu libva-utils vdpauinfo && yay -Syu libva-nvidia-driver
pacman -Syu libva-mesa-driver mesa-vdpau libva-vdpau-driver libvdpau-va-gl libva-utils vdpauinfo

Verify VA-API settings


Verify VDPAU settings

grep -iE 'vdpau | dri driver' ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.0.log

Enable VA-API in Firefox


Verify WebRender is enabled under Compositing and ensure you are not running Software WebRender.
It should be enabled by default in GNOME and other desktop environments.


Set flags
gfx.webrender.all to true to force enable Hardware WebRender.
media.ffmpeg.vaapi.enabled to true in order to enable the use of VA-API with FFmpeg.
media.ffvpx.enabled to false to disable the internal decoders for VP8/VP9. This is necessary despite this bug being fixed.
media.navigator.mediadatadecoder_vpx_enabled to true to enable hardware VA-API decoding for WebRTC.
media.rdd-vpx.enabled to false to disable the remote data decoder process for VP8/VP9.
image.webp.enabled to fasle to stop images from saving in WebP.

Enable VA-API in GStreamer

pacman -Syu gstreamer-vaapi gst-plugins-bad

Verify VA-API support

gst-inspect-1.0 vaapi
gst-inspect-1.0 nvcodec