KDE desktop environment

How to install and configure KDE Plasma as your desktop environment

Install audio

pacman -Syu pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack pipewire-pulse wireplumber pipewire-docs helvum

Install KDE Plasma

pacman -Syu xorg plasma plasma-wayland-session kdeconnect xdg-desktop-portal sshfs fwupd packagekit-qt5 sonnet
systemctl enable sddm
pacman -Rscn flatpak plymouth


Disabling capslock key in KDE

System Settings > Input Devices > Keyboard > Advanced > Caps Lock key behavior > Caps Lock is disabled


KDE Plasma tiling

Activate it in System Settings > Workspace Behavior > Desktop Effects
and then you can tile a window dragging it while holding down the Shift key.
To create custom tile layouts, hold down the Meta key, and then press T.


KDE fix Firefox fonts

fc-match sans
fc-match serif
fc-cache --really-force

List of applications

Visual Studio Code

yay -Syu visual-studio-code-bin

Fix VS Code remote connection uses 100% CPU of remote machine

Set settingsSync.keybindingsPerPlatform to false
Set search.followSymlinks to false

Image Viewer

yay -Syu nomacs

PDF Viewer

pacman -Syu okular kdegraphics-mobipocket khtml chmlib calligra


pacman -Syu remmina freerdp libvncserver spice-gtk webkit2gtk-4.1

Image Editing

pacman -Syu gimp krita inkscape

Audio editing

pacman -Syu audacity

Video editing

pacman -Syu kdenlive

Office Suite

pacman -Syu libreoffice-fresh ttf-caladea ttf-carlito ttf-dejavu ttf-liberation hunspell hunspell-en_us hunspell-de

sane: for scanner access

Static Webpages

pacman -Syu hugo